Mi historia
Desde muy joven, experimentè con diferentes formas narrativas: cine de ficción, documental, televisión, teatro, videoarte y publicidad.
Vivì en México hasta el 1996 cuando me mudè a Roma, Italia, donde actualmente vivo.
"Kobe, an Italian story"
Amazon Prime Video.
2nd most watched title on Amazon Prime video
"The Emperor Augusto".
Fondazione Tim- Think Cattleya. In post-production
"The secret of Sigena" Radio y Television espanola.
Theatrical doc. Seminci- Festival di Valladolid official selection.
Best debut as a documentary of the season in Spanish cinemas.
“Amazing, Leonardo” Theatrical film. Sky Cinema.
Best documentary Italian film festival N.Y. Distributed in 40 countries.
“Caravaggio. The blood and the soul” Theatrical documentary. Sky Cinema .
Golden Globe Italy 2018 best documentary.
Distribuited in more than 60 countries with great box-office numbers.
The most viewed theatrical documentary in the history of italian cinema.
“Where are you?” National Geographic International.
“Behind the altar” ZDF/ARTE and EO IkonDocs, in association with SVT, VRT, RTSI, RSI,
Best foreign documentary Prix Media 2019.
"Inside Costa Concordia:voices from disaster" National Geographic International.
Broadcasted in more than 160 countries.
The most-watched documentary on Italian pay T.V.
“A trip into the 3d cinema” Sky 3d.
World’s premiere at the 73th Venice International Film Festival 2016.
Candidate as best Classic Film Venice film Festival.
“Holy money” ZDF Artè, History Channel, Al jazeera USA, CBC, SVT, NRK, SBS, TV3.
Nominated as best current affairs Prix Europa.
“The cross and the gun” ZDF Artè, History channel, Al jazeera USA, DR, CBC, SVT, NRK, SBS, TV3.
“Benedict's via dolorosa” prime time instant doc for ZDF-ARTE, La 7.
“The dark side of Italian football” SVT, NRK, SBS, TV3
developed and produced with European Media Support and national funds.
"The village of the apocalypse” RAI 2
Show runner"The history of alchemy in the world” RAI 12x52'
Show runner “Eating history, The history of Italy on a plate”. History Channel, Viasat, SBS Australia, ORF.
6 x 52’
Show runner “Italy’s Best chefs” TF! 8x15’.
Show runner "Catastrophies" MEDIASET 12x48'
Director and producer for transmedia clips on sport, art, history, food and drink for Mediaset, Vodafone, Ovo. 100x3'
Director of live concerts for the music channel MTV Italy.
Director and producer for Food and Drink documentary series filmed in Japan, China,
France,U.S.A., Italy, Mèxico, Middle-East, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Egypt and South Africa with the world’s best chefs. RAI Sat Gambero Rosso Channel
Show runner “B-mex”produced forRai. Broadcasted in Spain, Italy, Mexico, France, USA. 3x26'.
“Pilgrim in the things of life”. produced for Rai, Arte.
Best documentary, best edition. Rome film festival.
“Lotery, of world things and other worlds” Rai.
Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, NY.
“Sarajevo, a coffee on the other side” Rai, Soros Foundation.
Mediterranea young artists biennale
“John Sayles, film and politics” Rai.
Show runner “The world seen from children’s eyes” Mèxico, France and Italy. Rai.
Videoart “The Rat Pat” American Academy in Rome.
Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, NY.
“A perfect world” Short cut
Selected as one of the most important films for a retrospective on classical Mexican cinema by the Filmoteca de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mèxico.
First award biennal de video de Mèxico
Silver award international film schools festival
Director of Advertising spots in Mèxico, USA and Central America for Procter and Gamble,Nissan, Cadbury Beverages, Gatorade.
Director for the Multimedia theatre play “El solitario” Debut in Rome, South American and European tournee. Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico.
Editor forAdverting commercial spot.Grey Latin America
Photographic repotage of the EZLN insurrection in Chiapas for “Periodico Reforma”
Copy writer in Grey Mèxico for Procter and Gamble, Nissan, Cadbury Beverages, Beecham, Phillip Morris, Gatorade, etc.
Actors and theatre direction. Accademia Nazionale D’arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico”
B.A. in film direction. Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematograficos, CUEC
B.A. in Mass communications. Universidad Intercontinental, Mèxico
“Caravaggio soul and blood is the best 2018 italian documentary Golden Globes 2018 .
“Io,Leonardo” Best Italian documentary. Italian film festival New York.
“Caravaggio soul and blood” best film. Spello film festival.
“A trip to the 3d cinema” nominated as best classic film at the 73th Venice International Film Festival.
“Behind the altar” Best foreign documentary. Grand Prix France 2018
Holy Money is nominated for “Grand Prix Europa 2014” as best current affairs documentary
Best film edition“Manuel Alvarez Bravo” Festival Internazionale di film d’arte P. Venezia. 2004
RAI Special award. Festival Internazionale di film d’arte P. Venezia 2004
“Brave new world” was selected as one of the most important films for a retrospective on classical Mexican cinema by the Filmoteca de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mèxico.
“Brave new world “ Best Latin American documentary video Festival de Escuelas de Cine
“Brave new world” Best mexican documentary video Bienal de Video Mèxico 1996
Best Director for “El Solitario” Festival de Nuevas Tendencias Chile 1998
Special Mention “Tevere 1.0” Festival Arcipelago Roma 2002
Articles about his work have been published in different magazines , newspapers and websites all over the world.